Beat the Burnout with AK Dozanti - New England College

Beat the Burnout with AK Dozanti

September 19, 2024
Graphic announcing "Beat the Burnout" with former deputy sheriff turned speaker AK Dozanti at New England College

Beat the Burnout offers a unique and fresh approach on managing the effects of chronic stress and trauma on the mind and body, no matter the career field or occupation. Attendees will discover practical methods to enhance self-awareness and situational awareness, boosting self-confidence and decision-making. Guests are welcome to attend all or part of the presentation. Light refreshments will be served.

Thursday, September 19, from 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Simon Center Great Room
Cost: Free

Speaker AK Dozanti is a former deputy sheriff turned first-responder wellness coach and specialist. Her courses have gained nationwide notoriety for her approach to officer wellness.

This event is hosted by the Hillsboro Police Department and is co-sponsored by NEC’s Criminal Justice Department.

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